Families are welcome to review the Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook and class schedules via the Classfinder as both are publicly available.
You may also be interested in a more in-depth look at facts and figures about the College, course information, the main Academic Calendar, the Registrar's Calendar, the Events Calendar, and how students update their information and verify their presence on campus each semester through the enrollment form.
Contacting the Office of the Registrar about a student's academic record:
Your student's records are protected by FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act). As such, there is very limited information the Office of the Registrar can legally offer the guardians of an enrolled student.
Other College Contacts for Families
Academic leadership of the College | Office of the President, Office of the Dean for Academic Affairs |
Student deans, social code | Dean of Students |
Financial aid or billing information | Student Aid, Bursar's Office |
Your student's health care | Student Health, Insurance |
Information about campus housing | Residential Life |
Athletic teams and schedules | Athletics |
Official Bowdoin apparel | Bowdoin Store |
Arts and Culture | Museum of Art, Arctic Museum |
Academic support resources | Center for Learning and Teaching, Library |
Engage in the local community | Association of Bowdoin Friends |
Support the work of the College | Bowdoin Parents Fund |